
Staged by COS

Comd and Staff Attend

Including LOs and Collaborative Planners

Helps Comd & Staf develop shared vision

Nature of the Mission and Reults to be Achieved

Summarize Mission Analysis Process

Confirm Mission Statement


Confirm Commanders Planning Guidance (CPG)


Type and Security Classification of Briefing

Purpose and Scope of Briefing

Mission and Intent of Superior Commander

Two Up

Mission, Intent and CONOPS of Higher Commander (One Up) including key objectives and deception plan


Define Area of Interest, Area of Intelligence Responsibility

Present initial IPB products: MCOO, Weather Effects Matrix, Light Tables

Enemy Overview

Intent, capabilities, objectives, available forces, probable CoG


Assigned, Implied and Essential Tasks

Constraints and Restraints

Available forces and disposition

Hazards and their risks

Recommended initial CCIRs

What comd must know

Recommended EEFIs

Info we must protect

Recommended operational timelines

Mission start, recce auth, phases

Recommended restated mission statement


Personnel situation

current and forecast

Medical situation

current and forecast


Maintenance situation

current and forecast

Vehicle and weapon situation

current and forecast

Supply situation

current and forecast

Transportation situation

all forms of lift-current and forecast


Civilian patterns of activity in AO: routes, assembly area, major activities with possible op impact, refugee situation

Host Nation support capabilities

Protected sites under ROE/LOAC/HN agreements

GO/NGO/PVO activity patterns in AO


Communications system status

current and forecast

Higher HQ CIS plan as it affects our plans

Fire Support Advisor

Fire support capabilities

integral and available

Air Defence Advisor

AD assets available

Current airspace coord measures

with op impact

Initial Air IPB products: threat capabilities, air avenues

G3 Air/Air LO

Allocated sorties

Limitations on employment of sorties

Engineer Advisor

Engineer assets available

Engineer capabilities

Mobility/countermobility/survivability/general support

Key deductions from IPB terrain analysis

CBRN Advisor

CBRN assets available

MOPP status and limitations of physical protection available

CBRN threat status

To include toxic industrial materials

Other Advisors





Host Nation cultural

As required


Amend/approve the restated Mission Statement

Amend/approve CCIRs

Issue CPG (COA Comparison Criteria)

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