E.G. Force Protection Posture
Engineer, Arty, Air, Legal, Political, CIMIC, PA
IPB Products
Simple, easily recognizable names
Generic, no specific assignment yet
Developed further in Targeting process
E.G. Inf BG, Armd Bde, SOF Team, Avn Sqn
Tasks, E.G. Secure, Clear, Disrupt, Seize, Provide Reserve
Sequence, Manoeuvre
What is the purpose and end state?
May indicate possible phases
Avoid specific assignment at this stage
Bde planners set number and type of sub-units for tasks
May indicate possible C2 relationships
Can it accomplish the mission?
Results of comparison, Comd selects FCoA for Plan
If possible, to avoid late changes
Assign number and name
Comd selects CoAs to develop further
Most Likely and Most Dangerous
Minimum 2
Compare FCoAs against ECoAs, use CCC
Results of comparison, Comd selects FCoA for Plan