1. Define the Battlespace Environment

Identify battlespace characteristics which influence friendly ops

Establish limits of Area of Interest (AI)

AI usually 12-24 hrs for Bn, 24-72 hrs for Bde

Produce AI Overlay

Identify limits of Area of Operations (AO)

Usually defined by higher

Produe AO Overlay

Identify Int gaps

Determine physical characteristics of environment

Analyze human terrain


Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information and Infrastructure

Identify initial PIRs

Produe AO Demographic Overlay

2. Describe the Battlespace Effects

Air Avenue of Approach Overlay

TERA / FLOCARK terrain analysis

Weather Effects Matrix

Light Data Table

Informs Orientation and CoA Development

Terrain, weather and light also affect friendly forces

3. Evaluate the Adversary

Evaluate adversary doctrine, tactics, TTPs

Determine adversary main effort, if possible

Analyze adversary ORBAT

View from adversary perspective

Obtain latest Int updates

Enemy COA Situation Templates

High Value Target List

Identify Enemy Centre of Gravity

Informs Orientation and CoA Development

Indicates adversary capabilities and vulnerabilities

4. Determine Adversary CoAs

Identify possible ECoAs


Synthesis of situation templates with MCOO and weather

Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay

Event Templates

Time Phase Lines


Event Matrix

Draft ISTAR Plan

Updated High Value Target List (HVTL)

Basis for Adversary timeline in wargame

Guidance for Int collection plan, ISTAR plan, HPTL/EGM

IBP informs all stages of OPP

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