Key Timings

Key dates/time from the Brigade Operations Order and INTSUMs IE ETA of enemy

Orders received

Time Now

BG Fire plan to XX

CAS avail

No ground recce forward of (loc)

NMB main body

BMS opens at XX

XX replen point open

LD XX secure

Guard est

Arty ammo delivered to replen point

Alternative HQ open

Movement Timings

Detail on Distance and Time Chart based on possible Approaches as appropriate

Expand on data from Factors: Ground above


Calculate time and space for each AA

Is one AA more likely than the others?


Hours of daylight, darkness, moonlight

Movement conditions

Deployment distances

Imposed time restrictions



Movement and tactical activities

Timings and rates of advance

One-third/two-thirds principle

Battle Procedure

Priority of work

Delay required of Covering Forces

Expected time of contact/H-Hour

Named Areas of Interest


Decision Points

Target Areas of Interest


Time available for planning and preparation

Include time required for alternate positions and deception measures

Degree of preparation possible and associated risks

Location, strength and composition of protective elements

Prepositioning of materiel

Recovery policies

Repair time limits and priorities for repair

Location, strength and composition of Countermoves Forces

Ability of enemy and own troops to reinforce, block and counter-attack

Preliminary moves and regroupings

Control Measures

How will the Fire Plan affect my activities?

How will the Engr Plan affect my activities?

Form of manoeuvre

COA Comparison Criteria

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